Spinning around in a fantasy land the Cup and Saucer ride is for all ages and will take you to the fantasy of your choice, with bright colours and LED lighting and the extra safety of variable speeds, people of all ages will enjoy this ride, just remember when you ask for ‘faster’ that’s exactly what you will get.
Suits all ages
No height restrictions
Seats up to 18 riders
Requires 3m access gate
Requires 8m diameter to operate
Round and round, up and down, the Round Up is not for the faint hearted and remains popular with an appeal that has lasted generations, Passengers are held against the cage wall with the G force produced from a high speed spin, then defying gravity as the cage tilts into the air, a real favourite with the older kids and a real scream machine.
Suits all ages
120cm minimum height
Seats up to 30 riders
Requires 3m access gate suitable for semi trailers
Requires 11m wide and 16m depth to set up and operate
Suits all ages
No height restrictions
However we suggest small kids ride with an adult for the first time
3 lanes and very high turnover
Requires 3m access gate suitable for semi trailers
requires 4m wide and 38m depth to set up and operate
Spinning around in a fantasy land the Cup and Saucer ride is for all ages and will take you to the fantasy of your choice, with bright colours and LED lighting and the extra safety of variable speeds, people of all ages will enjoy this ride, just remember when you ask for ‘faster’ that’s exactly what you will get.
children up to 13 years old
max height 1.4m
8 – 14 riders at a time
requires 3m gate access to get a small truck in
requires 11m wide and 13m depth to operatE
Suits all ages
100cm minimum height
28 riders at a time
requires 3m gate access to suit a medium size truck
requires a 22m diameter to operate
Our rock wall is very safe and can be very challenging, all you have to do is try and make it to the top to press the buzzer, then the self belay system will safely lower you to the ground. We also have the addition of 2 bungee trampolines, these high flying extras really gets the kids going and they will queue up for hours just to have a go.
All ages – Max weight 110kg
MAX Height TBA
Up to 6 people at a time
6m wide x 10m deep (rock wall only)
20m wide x 10m deep (with bungee’s)